The rental business was successful

In Kainiemi, Villa Annika and Villa Erika have been regularly rented. The summer went as expected and the feedback was good. There have also been guests in quieter times. The lining of Italy’s Casa Martini has also started well. After building the swimming pool, summer and autumn have been easily rented. Local partners Elena and … Continued


Harvesting in Bisenti

This fall, we were involved in a variety of harvesting activities. Our own olives were collected our selves. About 250 kg of olives, of which about 30 liters of oil. In addition, we were helping the neighbor Roberto in picking grapes and with a group of schoolchildren in collecting hemp. Roberto’s Abruzzo Maremma sheepdog Inti … Continued


New villa for rent in Italy

Kainiemi Villas has acquired a new property in the region of Abruzzo in Southern Italy! Abruzzo is located by the Adriatic Sea on the Eastern coast of Italy.


Kseniia and Michael in Kainiemi

Kseniia and Michael in Kainiemi

Through an university project we had the chance to visit the Kaniniemi Villas in the early winter. Whilst in Kuopio there was still autumn, winter waited for us when we arrived in Nurmes.



Winter came to Nurmes

Good winter weather came to Lake Pielinen in the middle of december. The ice is thick enough to walk, skate and ski and more snow is coming.



Angela and David in Kainiemi

Five Days in Kainiemi – a stay full of activities and adventures
We, Angela and David two exchange students from Germany, had the possibility to do a project study for our university in Kainiemi. Kainiemi is situated about 15 kilometres outside the city Nurmes in the middle of the Finnish Lakeland